Ian McKellen: My Australian Debut
I've been a
long time getting to Australia! Whilst I've travelled and worked in any
number of countries away from home from South Africa to Japan, throughout
Europe and the United States, Australia has always beckoned and there have
been a number of invitations over the years, mainly to bring one of my
solo shows, that I couldn't accept. When I decided to play Gandalf and
spend a year in New Zealand's version of Middle-earth, I thought it would
be a good chance to visit Australia, not realising that would involve a
hour flight. As it turned out, I slipped over just once for the climactic
weekend of Mardi Gras in 2000 and was rewarded with a snivelling cold and
steady rain in Sydney. Even so, staying with friends in Balmain and
sailing in the world's most beautiful harbour were enough to decide that I
wanted to return soon and not just with a fit-up one-person show but with
a full-scale theatre production worthy of Sydney's theatre scene.
visits from abroad are expensive, shifting scenery and actors from UK but
when Sydney Arts Festival saw our production of Dance of Death in London in 2003 and
wanted it as a centre-piece for January 2004, I was very excited. So,
fortunately, were Frances de la Tour and Owen Teale, the other two members
of the love triangle that dominates Strindberg's masterly analysis of a
marriage gone wrong. Sean Mathias's production, with Richard Greenberg's
brilliantly witty new translation, was originally devised for
Broadway. We
opened in the wake of September 11th 2001 and confounded all pessimism by
surviving and thriving in New York's darkest hour. We ran for four
months at the Broadhurst Theatre, where I had played in
Amadeus two
decades previously - a lucky address for me.
It's not often I feel
there is more to mine in a play after such an extended run but Sean and I
wanted the folks back home to see our work and the addition of Frances de
la Tour's Alice (which she had previously played to Alan Bates's Edgar)
gave the revised production an added challenge. Robert Jones's spectacular
set presented the action afresh and Owen Teale played the visitor whose
arrival kicks off the play. The London critics and audiences were
enthusiastic - I don't know how many of them expected to find me still
sporting a wizard's long hair and beard, but I enjoyed being back onstage
in a new disguise, after a long spell away filming
The Lord of the Rings
and X-Men movies.
Now here we are again - a
wonderful way to make an Australian debut. Off stage I shall enjoy
catching up with Hugo Weaving (if he isn't shooting yet another
blockbuster elsewhere): Richard Cottrell, the friend who suggested I try
professional acting after Cambridge University moons ago, who now lives
and works in Sydney: Alan Cumming who is also visiting Sydney, so Nightcrawler and Magneto can meet up again. I'll be hoping to bump into
Cate Blanchett, with whom I share the screen at the end of LOTR: Return
of the King but whom I have met only once at a party in Wellington and Baz
Luhrmann who told me at the Oscars two years back that he had enjoyed my
Richard III on film as
much as I had his Romeo and Juliet.
I arrive after a brief
Christmas in Los Angeles in time for a week's rehearsal and New Year's Eve
watching the fireworks. Frances, Owen and I are joined by support from
local actors and understudies. Otherwise this is the show "direct from the
West End" as promoters like to boast. Our previews start 6 January 2004 at
the Theatre Royal.
are selling fast. Don't miss Dance of Death -
I may not be back for another 64 years! Ian McKellen, November 2003